
Wildlife Wrecking Your Yard

4 Tips to Keep Wildlife from Wrecking Your Yard


Even though the season of cookouts and pool parties is over, your local wildlife may not have gotten the memo. As the days grow colder and food resources dwindle, animals are drawn closer to populated areas (like your neighborhood) in hopes of finding the next meal. Soon, your yard may become a favorite target of weary wildlife. Neglected gardens and trash cans are especially appetizing while decks, garages, and sheds offer refuge from the cold. If a man’s home is his castle, don’t let yours be taken over by the wild kingdom. Try taking these steps to protect your yard this fall:


Dear Deer: Stay Out

White-tailed deer are a common sight in Maryland, and a common problem for homeowners. Hungry deer can devastate a backyard, ravaging gardens and landscaping. Leaving plants either entirely destroyed or damaged so badly that they won’t survive the winter. The best way to deter deer is with fencing, but all fences aren’t created equal. In fact, some won’t provide any protection. A fence needs to be at least 6 to 8 feet high to keep deer from jumping over, so split rail fences and picket fences won’t be much help.

Large privacy fences tend to work better. As a bonus, they prevent animals from looking into your yard. This matters because they’re less likely to invade when unaware of—and not tempted by—gardens, ponds, and other food sources. For added protection, spray an all-natural, nontoxic repellant on fences and around the property. If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to contact Maryland’s best fence company:  Excel Fencing & Decking! We offer professional fence installation to suit any purpose—even keeping deer out!


Nowhere to Hide

Animals are attracted to places that give them cover. To better protect your yard from wildlife, identify and remove any good hiding spots, such as overgrown shrubs, brush piles, and wood stacks. Don’t forget to check your home’s foundation while you’re at it, and plug any holes or gaps with caulk. Doors, windows, attics, crawl spaces, drains, and fireplaces are all common entry points. So, pay extra attention to these areas.  Try putting steel screens over exposed vents, and cover your chimney with a mesh chimney cap.


Don’t Feed Them

You might be feeding animals and not even know it! Groundhogs and rabbits feast on fruits and vegetables, so pick produce from your garden (or orchard) as soon as it’s ripe. Fallen fruit and nuts should be picked off the ground before chipmunks and squirrels know it’s there. Squirrels also are notorious for invading bird feeders, so try adding pepper to the bird seed. It won’t bother the birds but will leave a burning sensation when eaten by rodents. Leaving local wildlife to look outside your yard for their next meal!


Secure the Trash

Trash cans are raccoon magnets, but you can still prevent them from getting into the garbage. Keep cans stored indoors unless specifically left out for pick up.  If you need to leave your trash can outside, be sure to use cables or bungee cords to secure lids. Today, you can often find trash receptacles equipped with fastening lids that won’t pop open even when knocked over. Don’t forget to wash your bins, too!  Frequent washing of trash cans reduces the rancid aroma of rotting food that raccoons seem to love. Once clean, spray raccoon repellant on cans for extra protection.

Wildlife watching is a pleasant pastime, but not necessary when you catch them ripping up your garden and lawn. Give your plants the protection they need with a new fence. Call Excel Fencing & Decking today to discuss what fence would be best for your yard!


This entry was posted on Monday, September 9th, 2019 at 10:00 am . Both comments and pings are currently closed.

Excel Fencing & Decking
1307 Enterprise Ct, Ste 1 Bel Air, MD 21014
Phone: 443-567-6603